One of the best dives I've had for under water beasties in a long time!! This was another one of the dive where I decided to disappear on my own (it's only a small wreck - can't get lost!), and it really paid off. As I was moving down the anchor line, a school of jacks swarmed round me, so I figured that there was some predator nearby. I wasn't expecting the large barracuda (picture 1) waiting just under the bottom of the anchor line! Descending inside the wreck, I saw some bright colours on one of the hatches. On closer inspection, it was a zebra slug (picture 3), with another, smaller one the other side. Further inside, I found another tiny zebra slug - maybe an inch or smaller. As I looked up from this, I saw a large lionfish cruising around (the pictures are a little grainy as I was in low light. Picture 11 is probably one of the best). After this, there was a large hogfish lurking around, but he was too far away for me. Maybe next time........
Max Depth: 18.2m
Dive time: 0:38